My Eyes Are a Binocular

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My Eyes Are a Binocular KİDS

My Eyes Are a Binocular


1. Crayon
2. Working Sheet 1
3. Worksheet 2

1. After the practitioner greets the children, he asks the children to take their chairs and move to the tables.
2. Children are told that the purpose of the activity is to realize what they see on the way to and from school.
3. The following information is shared with children.
“Kids, do you know, on the way to school today, there was a big excavation on the road and I saw a huge construction machine. He was placing giant stone pipes underground. And I saw a truck that was longer than I’ve ever seen. These were the things I saw on my way to school unlike other days. There are also places that never change and that I see every day. For example, when I leave the house, there is a park on my right, in the corner of my house. Walking by the park, I see a bank right across the park. In the morning people come here to do their work. When I go a little further, I see the hospital building. There are apartments across the road. Then I cross the lights. There is a patisserie, a small park and apartments across the road. Finally, our school building is visible. When I go to school from my house, our school building is on my right. On my way to school, I have to move carefully in traffic. On the way home from school, I take the road where the apartments and the bank are. The bakery, hospital and park are across the road.”

4. After the practitioner makes this explanation, the children are shown the drawing in Worksheet 1 describing what they saw.
“Look, this is what I saw along the way. So what do you see on the way to and from school? Now close your eyes and think about what we saw on our way to and from school. Let those who are ready open their eyes so that I can understand who wants to talk, let’s see what’s on your way to and from school?” the question is asked.
5. Children’s shares are taken from those who volunteer. All children’s posts are listened to as much as possible.
6. After all the children have rested, Worksheet 2 and crayons are distributed to the children present at the tables. Children are asked to draw on these papers the places they see on the way to school.
7. After the children have completed their drawings, the activity continues with the following questions.
• Which buildings do you see on your way to school?
• Are there people who pass through areas such as parks on their way to school? Who?
• Do you use the same road to and from school? Is there a difference between what you see when you come and what you see when you leave?
• Does anyone come to school by bus? Where are the places that those who come with the service see from the service window? Do you know their names?
8. The process is concluded with the following instruction.
“Kids, we shared what we saw on the way to and from school today. Some of us come and go the same way. Some of us come and go in different ways. The buildings, parks, workplaces we see on the way make it easier for us to recognize our way to and from school. You can explore the places around you as you come and go.”

During the game week, you read my post with binoculars. You can see other games in the following topics.

My Feelings Step by Step

My Toy And I Started School

Discovering My School

Fun games…

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